upcoming event(s)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

it's quiet here.
why it's really quiet here?
i'm in here.
can anybody hear?
i have many things on my mind but i dont know how to describe it.
i dont have an easy way to let them show.
moreover, no one here can hear me.
i can't even tell if somehow there is one here.
there is a big wall around me and it emits a fusion of solitary and vanity.
it is soundproof and shock resistant.
can you tell me what thing i should do to help myself or get help?


1 comment:

Kinta Restafa said...

let me hear... i am good listener
I always see you when you walk five paces from the door of the office
That's why i follow you
Just want to know you more
sharing is better than everything
and i hope i can be good friend

Mulai besok saya akan mulai dengan
"Met Morning Mbak Icha"
*semoga bisa* ^_^