upcoming event(s)

Sunday, January 01, 2012


These last few weeks, PK is very busy with its trending-topic: Mitha's wedding. Finally, an opening towards a marriage life among the golden generation. Me and Tiara are in charge of the event with Mom and Dad as the coordinators.

*And not forget to mention that Capt is fully in charge to assist both of us. Hihi.*

Just now, Mami gave a very touching advice to Mitsy:
"Kamu, Mami lepaskan untuk menikah bukan untuk hidup lebih susah. Tapi Mami justru mengharapkan kamu jadi lebih bahagia lahir dan bathin3. Kamu bisa menemukan tendan damai yang sejati."
I do wonder what it would be like to be bride-to-be :")
Aamiin. Wish you joy and happiness always, Sist.


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